Bet variation

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The suggested betting strategy for an initial running count of 2 is:

Single Hand Strategy

The following betting distribution follows Kelly Betting which is optimized to maximize expectation while minimizing 
variance. The trend roughly follows the expectation curve at different count values. This is the suggested betting 
strategy in KnockOut Blackjack.

Count <= 17: 1 unit

Count = 18,19: 2 units

Count = 20: 3 units

Count = 21: 4 units

Count = 22: 5 units

Count = 23: 6 units

Count = 24: 8 units

Count = 25: 9 units

Count >= 26: 10 units

Multihand Strategy

Multihand betting is an advanced approach that increases expectation as well as expectation over standard deviation. 
In addition, there is less of a need for large bet spreads which helps to further conceal card counting. We have 
found the following betting scheme to be simple, yet effective; allowing us to significantly increase our returns. 

Count <= 17: 1x1 unit

Count = 18: 2x1 units

Count = 19-20: 2x2 units

Count = 21: 2x3 units

Count = 22-23: 2x4 units

Count = 24-25: 2x6 units

Count >= 26: 2x8 units

Advanced Bet Variation

Further increases in expectation over standard deviation can be attained by early betting when the count is proportionally higher than the number of cards played early in a shoe. This goes against the simple uneven counting approach used in KnockOut Blackjack but also provides an easy approach to regaining some of the advantage that was lost due to simplicity.